Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We got the meat!!

Cow meat that is.

We got 26 pounds of organ meats and meat bones (bones for making beef stock), and 29 pounds of other cuts. It is all grass-fed and local (well, pretty local, it’s from Marin County, 2 hours north of Santa Cruz). Good thing we have two freezers. My family is awesome, thank you Linda for organizing this! Thank you for all the organ meats and bones! Boy we have a lot of eating to do.

Yum, grass-fed Nourishment!


1-Organ meats! 

2- Mom with the meat. 

3-That is a deer head that Toby is holding. My cousin shot it; my mom wants the brains and fur to use for her tanning adventures; and Toby and I just wanted to check it out. Notice the tongue.  !


1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog! And noticing how much you like to cook!
    Love Mom.
